Tuesday, July 2, 2013

طب اسمعو راى السادات فى الاخوان


Monday 1st July 2013 at 1957
In light of what has been allegedly repeated by some people in mass media, seeking to interpret the statement of the General Command of the Armed Forces as "a military coup", the military establishment would like to highlight the following:
- The doctrine and culture of the Armed Forces do not allow the adoption of any "military-coup-based" policies. The Egyptian military took to the streets in several events in 1977, 1986, and 2011, and there was no coup. In stead, the Egyptian military always stands by the will and aspirations of the glorious Egyptian people for change and reform.
- The aim of the Armed Forces' statement is to push all political parties nationwide to quickly find solutions for the current crisis and reach a formula of national compromise that complies with the demands of the Egyptian people.
- In addition, we stress that the statement of the General Command of the Armed Forces comes out as an interaction with the pulse of the Egyptian street. The statement points out clearly that the Armed Forces will never be a party in politics or ruling, and will not accept any role beyond that drawn up in the genuine democratic ideology driven from the will of the people.

بنحبك يا سيسى

بيان القيادة العامة للقوات المسلحة

بيان القيادة العامة للقوات المسلحة
بيان من القيادة العامة للقوات المسلحة

- شهدت الساحة المصرية والعالم أجمع أمس مظاهرات وخروجاً لشعب مصر العظيم ليعبر عن رأيه وإرادته بشكل سلمى وحضارى غير مسبوق .
- لقد رأى الجميع حركة الشعب المصرى وسمعوا صوته بأقصى درجات الإحترام والإهتمام ... ومن المحتم أن يتلقى الشعب رداً على حركته وعلى ندائه من كل طرف يتحمل قدراً من المسئولية فى هذه الظروف الخطرة المحيطة بالوطن .
- إن القوات المسلحة المصرية كطرف رئيسى فى معادلة المستقبل وإنطلاقاً من مسئوليتها الوطنية والتاريخية فى حماية أمن وسلامة هذا الوطن - تؤكد على الآتـــى :
* إن القوات المسلحة لن تكون طرفاً فى دائرة السياسة أو الحكم ولا ترضى أن تخرج عن دورها المرسوم لها فى الفكر الديمقراطى الأصيل النابع من إرادة الشعب .
* إن الأمن القومى للدولة معرض لخطر شديد إزاء التطورات التى تشهدها البلاد وهو يلقى علينا بمسئوليات كل حسب موقعه للتعامل بما يليق من أجل درء هذه المخاطر .
* لقد إستشعرت القوات المسلحة مبكراً خطورة الظرف الراهن وما تحمله طياته من مطالب للشعب المصرى العظيم ... ولذلك فقد سبق أن حددت مهله أسبوعاً لكافة القوى السياسية بالبلاد للتوافق والخروج من الأزمة إلا أن هذا الأسبوع مضى دون ظهور أى بادرة أو فعل ... وهو ما أدى إلى خروج الشعب بتصميم وإصرار وبكامل حريته على هذا النحو الباهر الذى أثار الإعجاب والتقدير والإهتمام على المستوى الداخلى والإقليمى والدولى .
* إن ضياع مزيد من الوقت لن يحقق إلا مزيداّ من الإنقسام والتصارع الذى حذرنا ولا زلنا نحذر منه .
* لقد عانى هذا الشعب الكريم ولم يجد من يرفق به أو يحنو عليه وهو ما يلقى بعبء أخلاقى ونفسى على القوات المسلحة التى تجد لزاماً أن يتوقف الجميع عن أى شىء بخلاف إحتضان هذا الشعب الأبى الذى برهن على إستعداده لتحقيق المستحيل إذا شعر بالإخلاص والتفانى من أجله .
- إن القوات المسلحة تعيد وتكرر الدعوة لتلبية مطالب الشعب وتمهل الجميــع [48] ساعة كفرصة أخيرة لتحمل أعباء الظرف التاريخى الذى يمر به الوطن الذى لن يتسامح أو يغفر لأى قوى تقصر فى تحمل مسئولياتها .
- وتهيب القوات المسلحة بالجميع بأنه إذا لم تتحقق مطالب الشعب خلال المهلة المحددة فسوف يكون لزاماً عليها إستناداً لمسئوليتها الوطنية والتاريخية وإحتراماً لمطالب شعب مصر العظيم أن تعلن عن خارطة مستقبل وإجراءات تشرف على تنفيذها وبمشاركة جميع الأطياف والإتجاهات الوطنية المخلصة بما فيها الشباب الذى كان ولا يزال مفجراً لثورته المجيدة ... ودون إقصاء أو إستبعاد لأحد .
- تحية تقدير وإعزاز إلى رجال القوات المسلحة المخلصين الأوفياء الذين كانوا ولا يزالوا متحملين مسئوليتهم الوطنية تجاه شعب مصر العظيم بكل عزيمة وإصرار وفخر وإعتزاز .

حفظ الله مصر وشعبها الأبى العظيم .

والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Add Elegance To Your iPhone 5 With The Aluminum Cases

If you're searching for a super stylish and protective case that elegantly complements your iPhone 5, then your search is over. In this article, you will find a diverse range of Aluminum Cases for iPhone 5 that preserve the aesthetic look of your Smartphone. Hassle free connections, easy assembling, light weight, durability and superior protection; altogether bring to you the best metallic case for your gadget. Let's find out the finest and top quality cases for your iPhone 5.
Dual Pro Shine by Incipio:
Incipio offers you dual protection with Aluminum finish. It is fabricated from a rigid and impact absorbing Plextonium frame and silicone core. The Dual Pro case blends strong protection with a beautifully brushed aluminum look.
Alloy iPhone 5 Case by Karas Kustom:
This new patent design introduces an anodized finish that provides your iPhone a sleek and modern look. It offers your phone with the utmost protection without making it too bulky or heavy. It enhances your grip and control over your device, providing complete convenience.
I5 Slimline Case for iPhone 5 by Casemachine:
This aluminum-silicone hybrid case is especially designed for those who don't like cases. It incorporates all lightweight and durable materials including Silicone polymer, CNC machined aluminum and Alcantra Suede to provide you with the outstanding protection. This solidly built case offers exceptional scratch resistance and shock immunity.
RailKase by Scoshe:
It is a sleek Aluminum case for iPhone 5 that preserves the original look and feel of your gadget. It features dual layer protection that keeps your iPhone safe from scratches, bumps and common knocks. The outer case is fabricated from high grade aluminum, while the inner TPU band provides great protection from all damages.
Moshi iGlaze Kameleon Case:
It is one of the most comfortable and flexible cases that you've ever used. Kameleon does not hide the glamorous design of your beautiful gadget. It incorporates highly resilient polycarbonate material that is actually able to withstand all the bumps and damages caused due to frequent dropping. It also features a kickstand that adds elegance to your phone. So, iGlaze Kameleon provides your device with the utmost protection with a tremendous style.
Freeform 3 Aluminum Case:
This bumper style case protects your iPhone more effectively, and it superbly complements Jony Ive's design.
Hence, all those people who don't like wrapping their iPhones in a case, should go for the aluminum Cases that tactfully respect the beauty of your device, along with offering you the significant protection.

Tips on How to Teach Music to Kids

The art of teaching and developing interest in kids for music needs early motivation and teaching. Therefore music teachers have to consider all the ups and downs they must go through to transfer the knowledge to their students, especially kids. No matter what type of instrument the kid is interested in, there are a few guidelines that will help the teacher to get the kids polished. If you are a music teacher, here are some tips that will be helpful while teaching the kid.

Group Teaching: Children learn new things best in a group which helps them explore new things, ask new questions and feel comfortable with similar age group. Some children may feel shy at the beginning while learning in a group but later on everything will go fine. Motivate them to and be patient with these type students.
Know your Student: There is no specific syllabus or course outline of music rather it is something that one creates form heart and soul. Try different methods to teach your student instead of sticking to just one method. Try to figure out what makes them learn more quickly and easily and stick to this method. Kids who are slow at learning do not mean that they are dull or less talented. You should give them some time to learn and grab the things properly.
Rhythmic Concept: The music teacher has to develop such levels in kids that they can feel the rhythm and the music in their heart and soul. Get them motivated to create similar tunes and rhythm to get their skills polished.
Practice Makes Man Perfect: Kids who are lazy and take time to learn things, must be given some time to practice. Other kids should also be motivated in order to make them skillful and involved in music. Even the professional musicians practice one to two hours daily.
Don't Skip and Rush: If any of the kids in your class finds it difficult to get to what you are teaching, he must be given proper attention. Don't skip and rush forward in order to complete your music lessons as soon as possible.

Important Tips for Buying a Dress

The occasion that you are buying the dress for is very important. You should ensure that you buy a dress that will fit the occasion that you are going to wear the dress to. A dress that you will wear to a wedding reception will not be the same as a dress that you will wear to a cocktail party or to lunch with your friends. This is the reason why you need to ensure that you buy a dress that you feel will meet your needs.
Color is very important. The color of your dress should fit the occasion. Bright colors are great for parties whole dark colors are good for formal occasions. This is the reason why it is important for you to decide on a color that will fit the occasion. The color of the dress should also complement your complexion as well as go well with your jewelry and the color of your shoes.
It is very important that you buy a dress that you can afford. You should ensure that you choose a dress that is within your budget so that you do not strain your finances. It is very important that you take your time to find a good dress that you can pay for.
The reason why dress stores have fitting rooms is so that you can wear your dress and be sure that it fits you before you can pay for it. It is very important that you buy the right size dress so that you can feel comfortable in it. Ensure that you fit your dress in the fitting room and find out if it will look good on you as well as if it will fit you properly. Ensure that you buy the right size dress for your comfort.
The dress that you buy should make you feel comfortable. It should also not have any defects. You should ensure that you check the dress before you pay for it to ensure that it does not have any defects and also to ensure that it is in great shape.